Saturday, January 23, 2010

Gun Safety Videos/Rules

So, I was at a gunshow today and was thinking about gun safety as I tend to do, and decided to host a page of links and tips for people who occasionally shoot guns/go to gun shows/are interested, whatever.

I think without any sort of rules or training no one should be allowed to even touch a loaded gun, so here are some great resources for learning how to handle them.

Be safe.

Basic NRA gun safety rules...

Lee Laster on youtube, he is a certified firearms instructor for military (I think) and police (and civilians I think).

Here are a few that i favorited...

Pistol Stances
, this is mostly for law enforcement, but the medium ready stance is what I was taught to use at the range between picking up the gun from the table and the call for open fire.

Here is a smart one about drawing a gun.

Just browse the guy's videos (click his name up there), he teaches everything from firing in a laying down position (which honestly you'd probably never need) to just handling guns safely on a basic level. He's a smart dude.

I'll post more when I find it.